Crazy Nancy Is All The Proof We Need For Term Limits

This is going to be a great four years for those of us who aren’t democrats. I just saw that the House is recommending that Nancy Pelosi retain her position as Speaker of the House. Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? You folks on the left have done nothing but preach unity since the election, but every move you have made says the exact opposite. From Obama calling Trump supporters racist to BLM and ANTIFA attacking Trump supporters at a MAGA rally over the weekend, now they have picked one of the most divisive women in politics to be the speaker, again.

It isn’t bad enough that during the election, she herself, had several Slow Joe moments, but if you look back at the last five years, all she has done is spread lies about Trump and unfortunately his supporters. With all of that said, her supporters felt that she should remain as Speaker of the House. What the hell is wrong with the left? After assuming a morally superior attitude for so many years, they don’t see anything wrong with her behavior. She calls the President childish but who sat there and ripped up his speech on national television? Who lies as much, if not more, than most politicians? Who has obstructed the President at every turn since day one? That’s right, scary Nancy. If Trump says on a beautiful day that the sky is blue, she will disagree with him and say it isn’t.

She, like Slow Joe, has been in politics for way to long. Her usefulness went away probably about twenty years ago and it shows. She, like everyone else on the left, just love to play the race card and the right “only gives tax cuts to the top 1%.” First, that just isn’t true, and second, and even more importantly, SHE IS THE 1%!!!

This is why we so sorely need term limits on these idiots. And this is just not a reference to those on the left. I’m talking about the right as well. I do not see how you get elected making $174,000 and leave 30-40 years later a multi-millionaire. Something doesn’t smell right.

So, here we are again. Nancy will preen, shriek and her bitter arrogance will be on overdrive when Biden takes office. The lamestream media will fawn over her and she (unfortunately) will be have more press conferences than Schumer (if that is at all possible). If she does another publicity stunt with the giant gavel, I can only hope that a colleague takes it away from her and smacks her in the head with it.

The time for term limits is long overdue. But who is going to the one brave enough to start that revolution?

Civility? I Don’t Think So…

From this point on I’m going to put my disclaimer on the top of each post. So, as I have said in each and every post-If you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care. Seriously, I really don’t care.

 Civility is defined as formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.

How do you know when a democrat is lying is lying??? Their lips are moving. Yes, an oldie but a goodie. During all the cries that the Democrat party would only be civil once they won the house or senate back Billary (still the sorest loser ever in politics) said this in October:

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

Ok. That is all well and good. To add to that, the newly elected Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said yesterday that “Our nation is at a historic moment, I pledge that this Congress will be transparent, bipartisan and unifying, that we will seek to reach across the aisle in this country, and across divisions across our nation.”

But even yesterday, the first day of the 116th Congress, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) said that her son told her, “Look mama you won. Bullies don’t win.” Tlaib replied, “You’re right, they don’t. And we’re gonna go in and impeach the motherfucker.” I guess that young mans next question will be, “Mommy, what is a motherfucker?” Good luck trying to answer that one.

Rep. Brad Sherman of California planned to reintroduce new articles of impeachment against the President. Sherman told the Communist News Network  on Thursday that his goal is to force the conversation on impeachment when special counsel Robert Mueller’s report comes out. He says that he is simply doing the same thing he did in 2017 to push the discussion, accusing Trump of obstructing justice.

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) said that the President was an “anti-immigrant, racist strongman” and even went as far as to compare the President’s rise to power to that of Adolf Hitler’s.

Here’s a good one: “[Hitler] rode a wave of nationalism and anti-Semitism to power. Replace anti-Semitism with ‘all Latinos crossing our borders are rapists, drug dealers and murderers,’ does that sound familiar?” No, not really.

This is what the left is saying on day one! Imagine what is going to be said as the days pass and the House can’t get anything through the Senate. Civility? Oh boy…

And if you really believe the charade that the left is actually going to play nice, I have a great bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you for a song.

I guess that’a what we have to look forward to for at least the mext two years. For now however, I will retreat to my racist, sexist and homophobic hole and wait for the next round of filth to be spewed by the nut cases on the left.



Pelosi Is Cray Cray In A Major Way Way

Nancy-Pelosi crazy

After writing my first post of the day today, I never thought that President Trump would actually offer his congratulations to Nancy Pelosi on her regaining the title of Speaker of the House. In what I would certainly call a move towards bipartisanship, he said in a tweet that, “In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by Democrats, If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!”

He even added that he wasn’t being sarcastic with his support for the speaker elect.

Furthermore, President Trump has also said that he wants to be able to make deals with speaker-elect in an attempt to keep moving the country forward.

This was even after Pelosi said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in October that “Subpoena power is interesting, to use it or not to use it. It is a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating on other subjects.” She goes on to say that she hasn’t forgotten about Trumps tax returns adding that suing for his tax returns would be one of the first things that she did. Pelosi said that this “is one of the first things we’d do — that’s the easiest thing in the world. That’s nothing,”

Does this sound like someone who really and truly wants to work with the other side? Hmmm….

But will she ever meet him half way? Will she ever show the restraint necessary to make a deal with Trump? As I said this morning, I don’t think so. I don’t believe that she has the ability to do so. As with many other democrats suffering from TDS, their hatred of the president is all consuming. Nothing can or will get in the way of them trying to bring down Trump.

However, the funniest comment of the day came when she spoke about the transparency of the future House. After eight years of Obama, no democrat on the face of God’s green earth should be talking about transparency. Here we go:

“In stark contrast to the GOP Congress, a Democratic Congress will be led with transparency and openness. So that the public can see what’s happening and how it affects them and that they can weigh in with the members of Congress and with the President of the United States.”

Wow…Not for nothing, but she has got some big old balls to be throwing that around.

Strap in folks. This is going to be a wild and crazy two years.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

Where Oh Where Is The Hysteria?

Not a Republican…

I woke up this morning and after hearing that the Republicans had lost the house, I turned on the television and expected to see disappointed republicans screaming at the sky, saying how the world was going to end. I expected some kind of infantile response to the election and didn’t see any. I made my way through the channels, all 10,000 of them and as I searched and I searched, I couldn’t find anyone on the right acting the way that the democrats did in 2016.

What does that say about Republicans? Even when Bush senior lost and John McCain lost and Mitt Romney lost, we never, ever saw the response we did from the left after Trumps victory.

So someone please answer my question. What does that say about the inability to lose an election? Since 2016, the sky hasn’t fallen, back alley abortions aren’t back in vogue and although they keep telling us it’s true, grandma hasn’t been pushed over a cliff in a wheelchair yet.

So do we have a chance of actually working together without the hysteria? Pelosi said in her speech last night that she wanted to work together with the Republicans moving on. Can we believe her?

Let’s look at past behavior and make that decision. With that said, the answer is no.

Let the hysterics continue.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

Voting Based On How You Feel About Trump Makes You Intellectually Irrelevant.

Today is obviously election day. As of the writing of this post at 1:50 pm, no real results are available so we don’t know what direction the House or the Senate is headed. The one thing I am sure of is this-if you vote for the democrats, you are voting purely out of your hatred of the President. Otherwise, with everything that he has accomplished since he was elected, you would see this and elect folks that represent that.

The most obvious take away from the 2016 election, however, is that democrats now place their votes based on feelings and not on facts. Since the day after he was elected, democrats have offered absolutely nothing in the way of challenging Trump and his policies. All we have seen and heard is the dems normal diatribe. He and his followers are racist, homophobes, misogynists and on and on and on.

From what they have said themselves, if they are victorious in any way, all we can expect is the dems trying to impeach Trump, even though people on their own side say no evidence exists for them to do so. They will try to take away the “crumbs” of a tax cut that they insist has not aided the middle class. Hold on just a second…I am in the middle class and I saw a substantial increase in my pay. They will obstruct everything that Trump wants to do. They have said that this is their revenge. Revenge for what? Losing in 2016?

We live in a sad time when a political party feels the need to use extreme rhetoric and violence because they don’t like a President. What makes it even sadder is the fact that the democrat leadership, instead of condemning the actions of many, have ignored and often encouraged the behavior. But that’s how we roll in 2018.

So if the democrats win back the House, Senate or both, everything that President Trump will simply end and be replaced radical left wing policies.  If the Republicans retain both, democrats will just give us more of the same. Infantile and childish behavior. Adults streaming out of their parents basements in masks to attack people who have done nothing but vote for Trump.

Voting based on how you feel and not on the facts of what he has accomplished makes you intellectually irrelevant. You have nothing to offer but anger and division because you lost in 2016. So what do you have to offer? Please tell me.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.