Hey Bernie, That Didn’t Take Long!


It took less than 48 hours after the mid terms for the cries of racism (kind of) to make an appearance in why people didn’t vote for someone. Here’s our old friend Bernie Sanders explaining why Andrew Gillium and Stacey Abrams lost:

“I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American, I think next time around, by the way, it will be a lot easier for them to do that.”

So hold on second. I might not vote for someone because I am uncomfortable about the possibility of voting for an African-American? Because of the color of their skin? This has to be the biggest load of bovine scatology that I have heard in the last fifteen minutes.

As I have said many, many times in the past, using race as your go to only hurts your cause and makes you look ridiculous.

Here’s the reason why white people might not vote for Gillium and Abrams. You ready? You sure?? Ok. Here it comes.

People might not have voted for them not because of the color of their skin, but because of their progressive radical policies. Policies that will cost the American people millions of dollars and do not make one damn bit of sense. 

So once again the race card rears its ugly head, and the left continues to look like the  fools that they are every time they resort to whipping it out for no reason.

C’mon guys, you really have to come up with something else to blame your losses on. How about something like your candidates and what you stand for? This is beyond getting old.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.