Human Excrement Of The Week Award


UC Berkeley

Once again the wackjobs on the left have proven just how intolerant and narrow minded they are. Before I even get into why UC Berkeley gets the Human Excrement of the Week award, I just have to wonder why those on the left can believe whatever they want, no matter how crazy it is, and suffer no repercussions, yet those of us on the right are immediately labeled something ridiculous if we don’t if we don’t fall into lock step with the lefty line. Someone answer that for me, please.

Now, as briefly as I can, here is what happened.  At UC Berkeley two weeks ago, the Queer Alliance Resource Center (QARC) asked the student body to condemn the Trump Administration’s “proposed definition of sex under Title IX” defining individuals as being male or female as fixed from birth.” Apparently the Obama administration had given those who identify as transgender protections from “harassment, denial of access to the student’s preferred restroom, and requirements regarding medical documentation.”

So, Isabella Chow, a student senator, decided to abstain from what was described as a “largely symbolic student vote” because she did not fully agree with certain clauses of what was written. She did, however, agree, with the majority of the pro-LGBTQ+ bills. What? She agreed with most of what they said? Oh yeah. She didn’t denounce the LGBTQ+ community? Nope. She just abstained from the vote.

I’ll let you guess what happened next. The ever tolerant left immediately labeled her as “homophobic” and “transphobic.” Oh boy…And as you can well imagine, she was greeted with verbal abuse such as “fuck you” and “see you in hell” as she walked on campus. At this point she even said she was afraid to walk alone on campus.

She said in a statement that:

“No matter how difficult this has been, if I don’t represent the Christian perspective – the minority perspective – there won’t be anyone to represent these views. I’m doing this for the Christian community. I know that I was called for such a time as this…backing down is not an option, especially when backing down means giving in to political pressure and political correctness.”

She went on further to say that, “discrimination is never, ever ok” and condemned Christian bullies and bigots, saying that the LGBTQ community is “valid and loved,” even if their views were different.

Chow continued and in her statement went on to say:

“That said, I cannot vote for this bill without compromising my values and my responsibility to the community that elected me to represent them, as a Christian, I personally do believe that certain acts and lifestyles conflict with that is good, right, and true. I believe that God created male and female at the beginning of time, and designed sex for marriage between one man and one woman. For me, to love another person does not mean that I silently concur when, at the bottom of my heart, I do not believe that your choices are right or the best for you as an individual.”

Here’s the kicker. She said that everyone in the room “deserves respect, acknowledgment, legal protection, and love.” She didn’t call anyone names. She just didn’t agree with them.

All she asked of these intolerant idiots was for them to extend the same amount of respect to her community that she was extending to them. Of course this wasn’t possible.

Ms. Chow even asked the Daily Californian to run what she said was her defense and a statement and they refused. Prior to that, and in true libtard style, they ran an editorial criticizing her, asking her to resign and accused her of creating a “toxic space for LGBTQ+ communities.”

So how exactly did she create a “toxic space” for the LGBT+ community? She didn’t. Did she express any hostility? Nope. Did she express her thoughts in a totally appropriate manner, fully explaining her position? Yep. She sure did.

So this week the students of UC Berkeley get the “Human Excrement Of The Week” award. I am so sick and tired of the left and their inability to accept any view that isn’t aligned with what they think.

Guess what you mindless misfits. I can and will disagree with you. As I have said several hundred times in the past, just because I disagree with you doesn’t make me a bigot, or transphobic or homophobic. I just disagree with you. Here, let me say it again-I JUST DISAGREE WITH YOU.

Here is the other great thing-I don’t have to agree with you. Please read up on the First Amendment for further clarification on that.

Every time I hear a story like this (and it’s just about every day now), I am sickened by the reaction of the left. It is so intellectually dishonest to think that what you believe is the end all and be all of beliefs. It is so tiring to see you folks on the left scream and whine about how anyone who disagrees with them is unworthy of respect or even a rational reaction or discussion.  Unworthy of even having a different belief. Truly pathetic.

The constant name calling just tells me that you can’t even debate with someone who disagrees with you. Resorting to the same old response truly shows how intellectually vapid you are.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

Another Whopper (And Not By Burger King)


I just read with some humor that Michelle Obama is coming out with a new memoir, “Becoming.” As you would fully expect, she feels the need to bash President Trump. Well why not? Her husband literally did not achieve anything in his eight years in office so what else is there to write about?

At first I thought that this would be one of those nice simple memoirs that reflected on her time in the White House. Reading about how she picked out curtains, traveled around the world and listened to her husband lie to the American people on a daily basis.

But no. Michelle feels the need to waste space in her book taking shots at President Trump. For instance, she recalls when she learned that Trump would replace her husband she attempted to “block it all out.” Now she knows how the right felt for eight years!

She comes out against Trump for bragging about the Access Hollywood tape where he bragged about supposedly sexually assaulting women. Not content with that, she goes on to talk about how Trump used “body language” to  “stalk” Clinton during a debate. She went on to say that this behavior was “trying to diminish her presence.”

At this point in history, no one on the left should be commenting about the supposed sexual proclivities of those on the right. Look at Hollyweird. For God’s sake, Hillary was (is) the most well known enabler of a sexual predator probably in history.

Michelle couldn’t believe why so many women would choose a “misogynist” over Hillary Clinton,  who she considered “an exceptionally qualified female candidate.” Wow..Now that is a BOLD statement!

For Michelle to even comment about Trump and ignore the morons on the left coast as well as Bill and Hillary’s behavior is mind boggling. According to Obama, his motivation lies in the fact that “I can hurt you and get away with it.”

Once again the left has shown us that they operate at level of tone deafness that defies logic. The fact that she writes this in a book and believes it, tells me many things.

The level of hypocrisy that the left operates on is stunning.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

Basement Dwelling Cretins


I see that the tolerant left is at it again. Last night in DC, the ever so brave and courageous idiots from ANTIFA went to Carlson Tucker’s house and pretty much terrorized his family. Apparently after breaking his front door, they stood outside and chanted: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night.” 

Apparently not satisfied with that, they were also heard yelling,  “racist scumbag, leave town!”

His wife, who was home alone at the time, obviously was terrified and locked herself in a pantry until police came.

Now I am a firm believer in the first amendment and being able to protest, but showing up at people’s houses crosses a line.

The intolerant left and especially ANTIFA, have proven that it isn’t just words that they use to get their message across. They have crossed the line to violence a long time ago and have viciously attacked Trump supporters time and again. Hiding behind masks and never,ever acting alone, they randomly attack individuals (never groups) and more or less the defenseless.

What cowards. Of course you all know when this became acceptable? During the Obama administration when the call went out for all parental basement dwelling cretins to join forces and beat on people who supported candidate and then President Trump. They all came running as if a new video game had been released.

This is sick behavior. Where is the leadership on the left condemning these video game commandos and telling them to stop? Where are the parents of these morons? Since they did such a tremendous job of raising these misfits they should be held responsible for their infantile behavior.

That’s right mom and dad cretin. You deserve most of the blame for your kids behavior. Kick them out and make them get a job.

Tell them that the basement is now going to be used for the useless junk of the house, Oh wait…Maybe you should just let them stay.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.



Pelosi Is Cray Cray In A Major Way Way

Nancy-Pelosi crazy

After writing my first post of the day today, I never thought that President Trump would actually offer his congratulations to Nancy Pelosi on her regaining the title of Speaker of the House. In what I would certainly call a move towards bipartisanship, he said in a tweet that, “In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by Democrats, If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!”

He even added that he wasn’t being sarcastic with his support for the speaker elect.

Furthermore, President Trump has also said that he wants to be able to make deals with speaker-elect in an attempt to keep moving the country forward.

This was even after Pelosi said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in October that “Subpoena power is interesting, to use it or not to use it. It is a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating on other subjects.” She goes on to say that she hasn’t forgotten about Trumps tax returns adding that suing for his tax returns would be one of the first things that she did. Pelosi said that this “is one of the first things we’d do — that’s the easiest thing in the world. That’s nothing,”

Does this sound like someone who really and truly wants to work with the other side? Hmmm….

But will she ever meet him half way? Will she ever show the restraint necessary to make a deal with Trump? As I said this morning, I don’t think so. I don’t believe that she has the ability to do so. As with many other democrats suffering from TDS, their hatred of the president is all consuming. Nothing can or will get in the way of them trying to bring down Trump.

However, the funniest comment of the day came when she spoke about the transparency of the future House. After eight years of Obama, no democrat on the face of God’s green earth should be talking about transparency. Here we go:

“In stark contrast to the GOP Congress, a Democratic Congress will be led with transparency and openness. So that the public can see what’s happening and how it affects them and that they can weigh in with the members of Congress and with the President of the United States.”

Wow…Not for nothing, but she has got some big old balls to be throwing that around.

Strap in folks. This is going to be a wild and crazy two years.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

Where Oh Where Is The Hysteria?

Not a Republican…

I woke up this morning and after hearing that the Republicans had lost the house, I turned on the television and expected to see disappointed republicans screaming at the sky, saying how the world was going to end. I expected some kind of infantile response to the election and didn’t see any. I made my way through the channels, all 10,000 of them and as I searched and I searched, I couldn’t find anyone on the right acting the way that the democrats did in 2016.

What does that say about Republicans? Even when Bush senior lost and John McCain lost and Mitt Romney lost, we never, ever saw the response we did from the left after Trumps victory.

So someone please answer my question. What does that say about the inability to lose an election? Since 2016, the sky hasn’t fallen, back alley abortions aren’t back in vogue and although they keep telling us it’s true, grandma hasn’t been pushed over a cliff in a wheelchair yet.

So do we have a chance of actually working together without the hysteria? Pelosi said in her speech last night that she wanted to work together with the Republicans moving on. Can we believe her?

Let’s look at past behavior and make that decision. With that said, the answer is no.

Let the hysterics continue.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

The Longest Temper Tantrum In History (So Far)

“Trump did not win…Hillary won the popular vote.”

It’s been 711 days since Trump was elected president. Since that day, Robert De Niro, Amy Schumer, Rosie O’Donnell and the rest of the Democrat party have been afflicted with a really bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Without a doubt, they have contributed to the longest recorded temper tantrum in history (so far).

Day after day we are subjected to the tirades, lies and crude behavior of just about everyone on the left. All they have proven since election day is that they are worst losers that the world has ever seen.

It pretty much started when Hillary said that Trump questioning the integrity of the election (if he lost) was a “direct threat” to our democracy. This of course was before she lost the election that she thought she had in the bag. Once she lost, however, it was question away, forget about what I said during the campaign.

As we all know, Robert De Niro is no fan of President Trump. We have been subjected to his insanity almost since day one. He actually said that Republicans are, “making a deal with the devil.” He went on to say that he was “offended” by Trump and his fellow Republican lawmakers.

Continuing to display the symptoms of Extreme TDS, he doubled down on his insanity and said,  “I’m so offended by this person and by the Republicans in general, and how they’ve behaved, and we see it with the Kavanaugh thing going on right now. And when I see [Trump], I know what he is, and he knows what he is, because everything he says about other people—you’re a loser, you’re a this, you’re a that—is everything he’s saying about himself. He’s so transparent; he’s projecting.”

Seriously?? You are honestly offended by Trump and Republicans in general? How Republicans have behaved? Have you spent one second looking in the mirror and listening to what every democrat had to say during the Kavanaugh hearings?

When are these Hollywood Hypocrites going to get the point that what they say means absolutely nothing? That just because they can act does not make them politically astute. As a matter of fact, some of them aren’t even that good at acting and wouldn’t be qualified to walk my dog or feed my cat. This is especially true when the only message that they seem to be able to convey is, “Agree with me or you are-(take your pick) racist, misogynist, homophobe, islamophobe etc.

So I’m going to lay some truth on you Trump haters. YOU LOST. Even after 711 days you still can’t get over the fact that, well, YOU LOST.

Please, get some self respect and accept the fact Hillary blew it. Maybe if she hadn’t been such a horrible candidate she might have won. But she didn’t. And since it has been 711 days since the election, you guys just look foolish. The constant whining and sniveling at this point just makes you look like petulant two year old children. You didn’t get your way so now you are going to stamp your feet for the entire time that Trump is President.

Wow…I am convinced that you don’t have the ability to be embarrassed by your behavior. That’s cool though. I can wait until you grow up.

If you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.