Human Excrement Of The Week Award


UC Berkeley

Once again the wackjobs on the left have proven just how intolerant and narrow minded they are. Before I even get into why UC Berkeley gets the Human Excrement of the Week award, I just have to wonder why those on the left can believe whatever they want, no matter how crazy it is, and suffer no repercussions, yet those of us on the right are immediately labeled something ridiculous if we don’t if we don’t fall into lock step with the lefty line. Someone answer that for me, please.

Now, as briefly as I can, here is what happened.  At UC Berkeley two weeks ago, the Queer Alliance Resource Center (QARC) asked the student body to condemn the Trump Administration’s “proposed definition of sex under Title IX” defining individuals as being male or female as fixed from birth.” Apparently the Obama administration had given those who identify as transgender protections from “harassment, denial of access to the student’s preferred restroom, and requirements regarding medical documentation.”

So, Isabella Chow, a student senator, decided to abstain from what was described as a “largely symbolic student vote” because she did not fully agree with certain clauses of what was written. She did, however, agree, with the majority of the pro-LGBTQ+ bills. What? She agreed with most of what they said? Oh yeah. She didn’t denounce the LGBTQ+ community? Nope. She just abstained from the vote.

I’ll let you guess what happened next. The ever tolerant left immediately labeled her as “homophobic” and “transphobic.” Oh boy…And as you can well imagine, she was greeted with verbal abuse such as “fuck you” and “see you in hell” as she walked on campus. At this point she even said she was afraid to walk alone on campus.

She said in a statement that:

“No matter how difficult this has been, if I don’t represent the Christian perspective – the minority perspective – there won’t be anyone to represent these views. I’m doing this for the Christian community. I know that I was called for such a time as this…backing down is not an option, especially when backing down means giving in to political pressure and political correctness.”

She went on further to say that, “discrimination is never, ever ok” and condemned Christian bullies and bigots, saying that the LGBTQ community is “valid and loved,” even if their views were different.

Chow continued and in her statement went on to say:

“That said, I cannot vote for this bill without compromising my values and my responsibility to the community that elected me to represent them, as a Christian, I personally do believe that certain acts and lifestyles conflict with that is good, right, and true. I believe that God created male and female at the beginning of time, and designed sex for marriage between one man and one woman. For me, to love another person does not mean that I silently concur when, at the bottom of my heart, I do not believe that your choices are right or the best for you as an individual.”

Here’s the kicker. She said that everyone in the room “deserves respect, acknowledgment, legal protection, and love.” She didn’t call anyone names. She just didn’t agree with them.

All she asked of these intolerant idiots was for them to extend the same amount of respect to her community that she was extending to them. Of course this wasn’t possible.

Ms. Chow even asked the Daily Californian to run what she said was her defense and a statement and they refused. Prior to that, and in true libtard style, they ran an editorial criticizing her, asking her to resign and accused her of creating a “toxic space for LGBTQ+ communities.”

So how exactly did she create a “toxic space” for the LGBT+ community? She didn’t. Did she express any hostility? Nope. Did she express her thoughts in a totally appropriate manner, fully explaining her position? Yep. She sure did.

So this week the students of UC Berkeley get the “Human Excrement Of The Week” award. I am so sick and tired of the left and their inability to accept any view that isn’t aligned with what they think.

Guess what you mindless misfits. I can and will disagree with you. As I have said several hundred times in the past, just because I disagree with you doesn’t make me a bigot, or transphobic or homophobic. I just disagree with you. Here, let me say it again-I JUST DISAGREE WITH YOU.

Here is the other great thing-I don’t have to agree with you. Please read up on the First Amendment for further clarification on that.

Every time I hear a story like this (and it’s just about every day now), I am sickened by the reaction of the left. It is so intellectually dishonest to think that what you believe is the end all and be all of beliefs. It is so tiring to see you folks on the left scream and whine about how anyone who disagrees with them is unworthy of respect or even a rational reaction or discussion.  Unworthy of even having a different belief. Truly pathetic.

The constant name calling just tells me that you can’t even debate with someone who disagrees with you. Resorting to the same old response truly shows how intellectually vapid you are.

As always, if you are offended by this post or just don’t like what I have written…I don’t care.

4 thoughts on “Human Excrement Of The Week Award

  1. Yeah. I agree with her and I’m not even religious. Everyone deserves respect as a human being, but that doesn’t mean we have to agree with every lifestyle choice. I’m okay w gay marriage being legal, but that doesn’t mean pastors, rabbis, etc. should be forced to perform one. I really dislike the fringe forcing ppl to conform to their oddness.

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    1. Yes. I am not a religious person either and what you do behind closed doors is your business. However, the left has a nasty habit of dealing with this by saying “It’s my way or the highway.” Apparently a middle ground does not exist with the left. Since trump’s election it is not the right who are the bigots and the intolerant, it is the left who force feed their beliefs literally on everyone else.

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